Columbia, South Carolina, is a beautiful city that’s worth exploring extensively. This part of the Palmetto State is home to the Columbia Museum of Art, Riverbanks Zoo & Garden, and Soda City Market.

With a vast area of 134.9 square miles, this city can take a while to explore on foot. That makes driving an ideal way to explore Columbia, South Carolina. Things change when a car accident happens.

In the blink of an eye, your mind races as you think of what to do after a car accident. Considering the seriousness and importance of such a devastating event, knowing your rights after a car accident can help you understand how to proceed.

1. The Right to Receive Medical Care

You may recall the jarring difference between minor and severe motor vehicle collisions. A fender bender can seemingly cause no injuries, while high-speed collisions can leave drivers and passengers unconscious or otherwise incapable of calling for emergency assistance.

It doesn’t matter who’s at fault; all parties have the right to seek medical care after a car accident. This treatment isn’t something to do later. Instead, obtain treatment right away. As a team of car accident lawyers in Columbia, SC, we know that immediate post-collision medical care is beneficial for a few reasons.

First and most importantly, getting medical care allows a qualified healthcare professional to learn the extent of your injuries. Traumatic events like car crashes can cause your adrenaline to skyrocket. This reaction can temporarily numb the pain you’re in after an accident.

Additionally, seeking medical attention documents your injuries and treatments. This information serves to back up anything claimed in your vehicle accident case.

2. The Right to Seek Compensation

A broken windshield that happened after a car accident in Columbia, SC

Vehicle accidents are expensive. With so many expenses potentially coming your way, your rights involving compensation after a car accident in Columbia, SC, are vital to know about.

Paying for Your Transportation

Even a seemingly minor crash can result in drivers needing to replace their windshields or require a fresh paint job. So, it’s unsurprising that a barely-felt collision costs hundreds or thousands of dollars to repair.

Extremely damaged automobiles may not even be worth repairing, leaving their owners with the option of renting transportation or making a down payment on another set of wheels.

Medical Care

Sometimes, automobile damage is the tip of the iceberg pertaining to collision costs. Inevitable crashes result in injured drivers and passengers. Successfully treating yourself after such a severe event can result in:

  • Doctor’s visits
  • Emergency care
  • Medication
  • Surgery
  • Physical therapy

One of your rights after a car accident involves obtaining medical treatment. However, that doesn’t mean your healthcare will be free. Utilizing your right to seek post-accident compensation can pay for medical-related costs incurred through little to no fault.

Mental Health

As is sometimes the case, physical discomfort can be more manageable for some to notice when compared to a mental health-related situation. However, a collision’s impact often extends beyond cuts, scrapes, and broken bones.

If you’ve been in a car accident in Columbia, SC, you can likely recall feeling a wave of emotions. An automobile accident is sudden and shocking. After something so traumatic, you may experience:

  • PTSD
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Mood swings

In most cases, someone experiencing these conditions or illnesses will want to treat what’s happening. This type of care incurs additional costs for the victim of an automobile collision. These forms of treatment can include medication and therapy sessions. Fortunately, another of your rights after a car accident is to seek compensation.

3. The Right to Remain Silent

The view from behind a windshield on a rainy day

This legal right may sound familiar. Car accident lawyers in Columbia, South Carolina, aren’t the only ones who know those previously mentioned words. You just need to see a single police-related show or YouTube video to hear an officer tell someone under arrest about their right to remain silent. It’s required by law.

However, you may need to learn this legal right can apply after an automobile collision. But what does staying silent have to do with your rights after a car accident in Columbia, SC? We’re not saying we don’t speak to the police. Instead, we mean the other party’s insurance company.

Insurance providers are vital components in a car crash victim qualifying for and obtaining a post-accident settlement. These trained professionals are often skilled at getting accident victims to do a bit too much talking unknowingly.

Another issue can arise if you are involved in a commercial automobile accident. These collisions sometimes involve heavy and potentially deadly semi-trucks. Due to their size and weight, semis can prove fatal in a crash.

Companies are thrown into the mix after most semi-truck crashes. What party is at fault or shares fault depends on your accident. However, these complex accidents may involve commercial truck manufacturers, transportation companies, and other parties.

Thankfully, one of your rights after a car accident is not being required to speak to another party’s insurance provider, employer, or similar party about negotiations or backing down your claim. Instead, car accident lawyers in Columbia, SC, can handle such tasks.

4. The Right to Gather Evidence

When the word evidence comes to mind, you may imagine an old-time detective or a modern police officer. Thankfully, anyone can gather evidence. It’s one of the most important things to do after a car accident.

What serves as proof after a collision can include photos or videos taken at the scene. Witness statements, if any exist, are also gatherable evidence.

Learn About Your Rights After a Car Accident From DSB

The aftermath of a vehicle accident is an earth-shattering time. After a car crash, the last thing you want to do is negotiate with another party or understand complex legal forms and rules. Save time and focus on your recovery.

Are you wondering what to do after a car accident? Contact Dayson Shalabi Burkett Law Firm, LLC. Our trained legal team offers free consultations. In only 15 minutes, we can advise you about the validity of your claim and your rights after a car accident.